Monday, September 17, 2012

Post of The Day

Post of The Day

Hey, Kooper and Ted here with the post of the day! "Sorry, there wasn't one yesterday, aaa... we were kinda sleeping." "Well today's story comes from Teddy yet again I am going to type." "Ted, You start it  off." (Ted) "Hi, it's Ted. I got to help my brother fill the food bowl today it was really exiting! So he went out and was like "Hey Ted, you want to help" so I ran out as fast as I could with him out to the garage. He was scooping out the dog food with a little bucket. I started getting really happy! When he was finally finished I came in and I started eating! That's my story everyone." "Well  thank you Teddy that was very nice. Before we finish I'd like to add in that after he was dine I finally got to eat some! Teddy is always at the trough."

Thank you! 
That was the post of the 
day from Kooper and Ted!


  1. Sleeping in on a Sunday is a good thing! Glad you boys got to do that. Chloe is kind of a picky eater. I wish she ate as well as Ted. She always finds something else to do while she's eating. Chloe also always saves a little food in her bowl for a midnight snack. Does Ted do that?

  2. HeY itS TeD. I hAve To GeT pUt In a KeNneL EvEry NigHt So I dOn't GeT MucH mIdNight sNacKs WhicH reLly SouNds GoOd.
